Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 4 of Trip to Israel

The sun getting ready to break over Jerusalem.

Breakfast buffet serving fruits...

...olives and pimentos...

...a salad bar...

...baked goods...

and fish.

A picture of the hotel we are staying at...The Regency Jerusalem.

A map of the shuttle route - we had a free day so we decided to hop on the shuttle and head to Old Jerusalem. If you click on the picture you will see where our hotel is in relation to the Old City.

The Jaffa Gate

The Tower of David

Some alleyway (we didn't know where we were going).

Pastor Mike and me with the Dome of the Rock in the back.

Looking towards the Mount of Olives.

The Western Wall.

Yarmulkes - all people need to wear some sort of head covering.

What Pastor Mike looks like with a yarmulke.

Prayers on paper fill the walls.

To the left of the Western Wall is an alcove where more prayers are conducted along with a training area for young Jewish men.

This was a coned off area where you can see how deep the temple area went down to.

Click on the picture to read the significance of the Western Wall.

Overlooking the city outside the city walls.

The first golden menorah constructed since the destruction of the holy temple.

Inside the Israel Convention Center where our Annual Foursquare Convention is being held. Over 2,600 delegates are attending.

Tommy Walker led our worship.

Ken Medema is a strong worship leader. Two things stand out: 1) he is a prophetic worshipper - he is able to compose worship music right on the spot, sometimes based on the message that was just given, and 2) he has been blind from birth.

Our speaker, Asher Intrater, was prayed over by his youngest son prior to giving the opening message.

Pastor Mike meeting some Filipinos who are caretakers for people living in Tel Aviv.


Rich said...

Aloha and Shalom! Loving your travel blog! What an amazing experience it must be to be there. Can't wait ti hear the stories when you return. Be safe and soak it all in! -Rich

Gung Ho said...

Thanks Rich. And we haven't even begun the tour of the Holy Land yet! We had a couple more days of convention first.