Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day 3 of Trip to Israel

One of the first sights you see as you come off the plane...Ben Gurion Airport.

As you are making your way to baggage claim via the upper concourse, the lower concourse has a pond where a circular shower of water comes falling from above.

Pastor Mike showing his passport. The clerk later told me that I wasn't supposed to take pictures in this area. Ooops.

Pastor Mike getting NIS - New Israeli Shekels. The currency is 1 to 4 - 1 US dollar for every 4 NIS.

The airport is huge. These columns are right outside the baggage claim.

The arrival area where you pick up passengers was empty because it was the Sabbath.

As you go from Tel Aviv, where the airport is, to Jerusalem, the main city about 30 minutes east, you mostly see dry, desert-type of land.

An Israeli gas station.

We were welcomed by Foursquare Banners as we came to our hotel.

Right outside our room...a roadway that has Tel Aviv in big letters.

This is a Sabbath elevator. Because Jewish people do no work on the Sabbath, this elevator will take you to every floor so that you don't have to push a button.

The salad table at the dinner buffet.

More vegetables.

Looking towards Old Jerusalem from our hotel at night.

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