Friday, July 27, 2007

Day 9 of Trip to Israel

These tour buses are excellent. The air conditioning relieves the heatness of the land - which got up to 97 degrees at some areas.

If you click on the picture, you will see an ant in the middle. Pastor Jack joked that on his first trip to Israel he took a picture of an ant, which looks like any other ant, but it was an Israeli ant!

Pastor Jack teaching up on the Mount of Olives.

Many people want to be buried near the Mount of Olives because of the belief that when Jesus comes back the dead in Christ will rise.

This is the type of tree that was used to make Jesus' crown of thorns.

The Palm Sunday Road which Jesus descended on top of a donkey.

The Garden of Gethsemane. The roots of the tree in the picture dates back to the time of Christ.

As Jesus was praying, he would be able to see the Eastern gate of the city. Although it is now closed, prophecy says that it will be through these gates that Jesus will enter.

The house of the High Priest Caiaphas.

The actual stairs Jesus walked after being judged at the house of the high priest.

This room is symbolic of the Upper Room where Jesus met with his disciples on his last night and would later be the place where Pentecost started. They are unsure of the exact location of the Upper Room but it would be near here.

Golgatha - the place of the skull where Jesus was possibly crucified. You can see the two eyes that are hollowed out areas in the mountain.

The Garden Tomb area. This is one of two sites where Jesus could have been buried.

Entering through the Damascus Gate.

It was in this area, or very close to it, at the Antonia Fortress, that Jesus was whipped with the cat of nine tails and his blood splattered the pavement and walls.

The Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the man who could not get to the pool in time in John 5.

Pastor Jack Mount of Olives Discourse - 1

Pastor Jack Mount of Olives Discourse - 2

Pastor Jack Mount of Olives Discourse - 3

Pastor Jack Mount of Olives Discourse - 4

Pastor Jack Mount of Olives Discourse - 5

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